Video Entry

You are invited to make a short (up to 5 minutes) video recording on your phone or mobile device and to send it to us. You can upload your video here. Tell us what excites you about the project or suggest what kinds of questions we should be asking. These video submissions will guide us in how we approach the research but will also be used to bring attention to the issues at public events.

A range of videos will be selected to be shown at the Expo events and so we will require your written consent. You will find a consent form on our website on the Contacts page and we ask you to fill this in when you submit your video. So, go on, don’t be shy, tell us what you think we need to know in order to undertake research that is relevant, timely and vital. Have your say on the future of MMDs.

  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
Melanie RobertsonVideo Upload